Wild Turkey 8 year
This is a miniature of Wild Turkey 8 year

5 cl / 50.5%
0 persons recommended this dram. Recommend it.
Austin Nichol's 8 year old Wild Turkey - smoother than the standard 4 year old. Jim Murray says this is "quality whiskey showing effortless grace and deceptive weight".
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Reviews and ratings (See more reviews of Wild Turkey)
This dram has a white-like color.
Nose (88): inexistent. grains, corn, sweet, fruity, apples, grapes. First nosing data is innacurate as the previous tasting sheet lacked of this field.
Taste (84): . corn, hot, sweet, honey, apples. Bouquet data is innacurate as the previous tasting sheet lacked of this field.
Finish (84): no finish. apples, corn, vanilla. Finish length is innacurate as the previous tasting sheet lacked of this field.
Similar Bourbon to Wild Turkey 8 year
These bottles have been chosen over others because their nose, taste and finish are more similar to Wild Turkey 8 year than the rest. Go to Whisky-o-matic page to fine tuning other settings.
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