George T Stagg 2010 Release

75 cl / 71.5%
1 persons recommended this dram. Recommend it.
The perennial favorite and last year’s winner of the “Bourbon of the Year” award by Jim Murray in his Whisky Bible, the 2010 George T. Stagg was found in Warehouses H, I, K and L. This uncut, unfiltered bourbon was distilled back in the winter of 1993 and weighs in at 143 proof—some strong stuff! This whiskey tastes of dark chocolate, vanilla and coffe.
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Reviews and ratings (See more reviews of Buffalo Trace)
“Bottle at 70.7%, this bourbon has to be tasted with precaution. But once you take a sip of it, it explodes on your mouth with a sweet fireworks. The finish is rather good also. Just a bit expensive for my budget.”This dram has a white-like color.
Nose (88): inexistent. grain, fruit, pineapple, sweet, spices. First nosing data is innacurate as the previous tasting sheet lacked of this field.
Taste (96): . hot, sweet, grain, vanilla, wood, rye. Bouquet data is innacurate as the previous tasting sheet lacked of this field.
Finish (96): no finish. grain, vanilla and pineapple. Finish length is innacurate as the previous tasting sheet lacked of this field.
Other presentations, miniatures and samples of George T Stagg 2010 Release
Perhaps you are looking a bigger bottle, or a miniature or a sample. No more worries! Here they are.
Similar Bourbon to George T Stagg 2010 Release
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