II Gin Festival Sitges 2012, the show you can't miss
in NewsEither if you like gin, or if you just love whisky but you are interested in gin because it is a trend topic of lately, you will be happy to know that everything is ready for the II Gin Festival of Sitges, Spain that will take place between May, 29 and June, 3.
Here you have the press release note of the organization.
Once again, we are pleased to announce you that we are working on the second Gin Festival in Sitges, good acceptance and results in last year motivates us to share again with you this event dedicated to the “gin” with the main idea able to get the public all Brands partners, giving first-hand information to professionals and “final customers” through tastings, master classes, exhibitions, etc.
We are at an ideal time to continue spreading the culture of good quality drinking as we speak, all over the world are experiencing a positive revolution of learning and good work, much thanks to our leading bartenders and brands involvement in getting optimum quality in all products.
Sitges wants to contribute in promoting quality product, its geographic location, climate, the public … makes it possible to convert this festival in a show dedicated to our precious Gin, showing not only quality products to all participants (professionals and enthusiasts of this distillate), we go beyond this year we plan to encourage this new product, announcing this product in other applications, wanting to give continuity to the distillate.
This year we have the support needed to develop a global broadcast event with the collaboration of professionals and media around the world.
Calendar of events at II Sitges Gin Festival
31 de Mayo.
Campeonato exhibición de Flair. (internacional) 11h. en PaseoSitges
1 de Junio.
II Gin Festival de Sitges. 16:30h. Centre de disseny de Sitges
2 de Junio.
“Gin Tour” Vila de Sitges. All day. Colaboración locales de Sitges
3 de Junio.
Eventos relacionados. Sitges
Here you have a video of the last year show.
So now that you know about it, you can’t miss it: Sun, beach, discos and gin.
And what about you, do you like gin? Which one is your favorite? When do you have gin?