Score: best whiskies numbers
in Tasting , FeaturedEach tasting note of this blog has a score that ease you comparing bottles. Any whisky or bourbon above 90 is really good. Do your best to taste it!.
[UPDATE: This article has been replaced by new content at Whisky ratings, my own personal view]
For some people scoring whisky is like saying who of your sons do you prefer. They don’t like to do it.
I think it is a fact of life that some whiskies are in my like and others are in my don’t like lists so I like to sort them using some quantitative measure. There are also whiskies that although not really great in score are great in quality vs price relation and so I do recommend them too but it score keeps unchanged.
The Godfather I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse
How the numbers works in score
It is just the addition of the nose, tasting, finish and balance. Each score goes from 0 to 25.
Nose, tasting and finish has little discussion. We can agree or not but there they are.
Balance on the other way is how the whisky as a whole works. You can have a whisky that although fails on the finish overall does good so balance tries to show that.
Scores are a bit misleading. There is nothing so nasty and bad that is allowed to be placed on the market and has a score beyond 40.
Just try some whisky that you know it is bad, really bad, and smell, taste and look at the finish. It is really hard for it to go beyond 50.
Score scale
So my score guidelines are something like:
95-100: Awesome, great whisky. Get it no matter what!: Family, money, whatever!
90-95: A great whisky. A masterpiece. If you can, try it. Owning a bottle or two won’t damage you.
85-90: A good whisky. If you can, try it, just to know how good are the above whiskies.
80-85: A good whisky that miss that something to be a great one. Give it a try and get your own opinion.
70-80: Not my kind of whisky but not so bad that it would hurt your liver.
60-70: Avoid it.
<60: Really really avoid it. Bioharzard!. Poisonous.
[UPDATE: This article has been replaced by new content at Whisky ratings, my own personal view]