St Isidore
This is a sample of St Isidore

3 cl / 41.8%
0 persons recommended this dram. Recommend it.
The story of St Isidore and the bloggers blend all started one day when Master of Malt were thinking about how to create their next whisky, when it suddenly hit them: ask the bloggers! These guys and gals are amongst the most knowledgeable, expert and, let's face it, geekiest whisky lovers in the world!
So they send a blending kit to ten prominent bloggers and they crafted their recipes. People then was allowed to buy a sample set of the 10 blended whiskies and cast their vote on one of them. The result is this whisky.
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Reviews and ratings (See more reviews of Master of Malt)
“When I first saw the price I thought "What the hell!? £50?! That's expensive". Well, I have to agree with the price tag, there is lots of old peated whisky inside this blend. I just miss a more intense palate, but if you enjoy light whiskies this is a real crack.”This dram has a amber-like color.
Nose (88): average. honey, wood, dried fruits, peat, citrus. Really interesting. Very old whisky in this blend...umm... maybe a bit of Caol Ila 30 years old?
Taste (87): light, smooth. honey, a bit candies, peat, citrus, spices, wood, pepper, citrus.
Finish (86): average. peat, wood, sweet, floral.
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These bottles have been chosen over others because their nose, taste and finish are more similar to St Isidore than the rest. Go to Whisky-o-matic page to fine tuning other settings.
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