Sheep Dip
This is a sample of Sheep Dip

3 cl / 40%
0 persons recommended this dram. Recommend it.
A great whisky made from 16 malt whiskies aged from 8 to 21 years. Jim Murray describes Sheep Dip as "young and sprightly". Great retro packaging too. The only thing is, the picture of the sheep on the bottle doesn't actually look like a sheep, it actually looks like an angry spaniel with horns.
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Sheep Dip Miniature
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Sheep Dip Islay Blended Malt
Reviews and ratings (See more reviews of Spencerfield Spirits Co)
“Excellent nose.”This dram has a cooper-like color.
Nose (91): strong. Fruits, honey, vanilla, tobacco, wood.
Taste (88): light. fruits, wood, floral, honey, a littlevanilla.
Finish (87): longer than average. floral, wood, a bitcocoa.
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These bottles have been chosen over others because their nose, taste and finish are more similar to Sheep Dip than the rest. Go to Whisky-o-matic page to fine tuning other settings.
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