Secret Leap Year Cocktail

20 cl / 40%
0 persons recommended this dram. Recommend it.
A secret recipe cocktail created by the genius minds at Master of Malt.
This cocktail was created in occasion of this Leap year and Master of Malt organized a contest for guessing with five ingredients are used in the recipe.
The winner will be also entitled to name the cocktail when it is released to the public.
Awesome drink.
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Reviews and ratings (See more reviews of Master of Malt)
“Genial! Awesome! Sweet whim. I love this stuff”This dram has a amber-like color.
Nose (88): average. gin, honey, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom. Very nice nose.
Taste (90): smooth, oily. honey, ginger, cinnamon, gin, rosemary, red hot peppers, wood.
Finish (89): longer than average. ginger, honey, floral.
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