Dr Adam Elmegirab's Dandelion and Burdock Bitters

10 cl / 42%
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Released in the winter of 2009, Dandelion& Burdock Bitters are a unique, hand-crafted cocktail ingredient created by Adam Elmegirab to satisfy the global bar community's growing demand for new and exciting products. Dandelion & Burdock is a traditional British beverage dating back to the 1300s and is believed to have been created by the Italian priest Saint Thomas Aquinas. They were famed for their alleged medicinal properties, like the many cocktail bitters that followed in later years, and were a favourite drink of Adam during his childhood. Referencing a number of Dandelion & Burdock receipts, these bitters attempt to capture their flavour profile in bitters formulae. Compounded using the finest natural botanicals, these bitters are now being used by bartenders around the globe in a number of classic cocktails and original libations such as the Chiapas Old Fashioned, created by Adam Elmegirab for Yatai in 2009. A note from Dr Adam Elmegirab ' The growth of the internet has coincided with an increased want for information from bothbartenders and consumers alike. With the release of my Bitters Product Portfolio at thetail-end of 2010, which detailed the production process of my bitters as well as tasting notes, I have had numerous requests for more information on the botanicals I use to compound my bottlings. Having thought long and hard about ways in which I could improve the product knowledge of my bitters I decided it would be a good idea to compile detailed information on all thebotanicals I use so you can understand a little more about ingredients you will have heardof but may never come into contact with, have a better grasp of where the flavour profile comes from, and also gain a deeper knowledge of each botanical's historical and medicinalrelevance. This goes against the philosophy of many bitters producers who wish to remain assecretive as possible, which in my opinion detracts from the full potential of bitters andtheir vast array of uses in both the culinary and cocktail crafts. By releasing thisinformation I feel that bartenders and consumers will be better equipped to use mybottlings to their full potential... ' Dandelion root Medicinal uses - Dandelion roots are commonly used to stimulate appetite, digestion and improvethe function of the liver and kidney and also as an anti-viral agent. Taste - Malt, honey, toasted bread and muscavado. Burdock root Medicinal uses - Burdock root contains polyacetylenes that gives the herb its antibacterial andantifungal properties and like Dandelion roots they are commonly used to stimulate appetite, digestion and improve the function of the liver and kidney. Taste - Slightly sweet, earthy, woody, with notes of smoked tea, dark chocolate and liquorice. Fresh ginger root Medicinal uses - Ginger root is widely used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting brought aboutby motion sickness. It is also used to treat migraines, as an anti-inflammatory, to aid digestion and isknown to stimulate saliva. It has also been suggested that ginger root may assist in loweringcholesterol. Taste - Aromatic, pungent, sweet and spicy. Dried orange peel Medicinal uses - Whole orange peel contains compounds that lower blood pressure as well as asubtle bitterness that stimulates appetite. Rich in vitamin C it is also recommended in fighting coughs and colds as well as being used as an aromatic and flavour enhancer in medicine. Taste - Dominant orange and subtle woodiness with a perfumed backbone. Dried lemon peel Medicinal uses - Lemon peel is recognised as an aromatic and flavour enhancer in medicine. Rich invitamin C it is also recommended in fighting coughs and colds as well as being a stomach tonic insettling flatulence Taste - Dominant lemon, almost soap-like, with a soft woody finish. Star Anise Medicinal uses - Star Anise is used in the production of Tamiflu, the only drug known to reduce theseverity of Bird Flu. It also has carminative, stomachic, stimulant and diuretic properties and is used torelieve headaches. Taste - A subtle sweet combination of licorice, aniseed, fennel and tarragon.
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