Category Archives: Wemyss

The Balkan Tiger and the Ardbeg’s whispers

Welcome to a new session of my random blind tastings! This one is WTF Tasting 003.

If you recall previous sessions, one of my biggest “problems” with whisky tasting was to make my mind to choose a set of drams to taste. I love peated whiskies and mid age sherried drams but once you start tasting one after the other it becomes a bit plain ( with great surprises from time to time )… so why not just add some spices into the mix?


WTF Whisky Tastings is just a new fun way of lowering my samples’ box level with a flight of four and five random drams taking blindly from the box.

So here are this week flight…
Continue reading The Balkan Tiger and the Ardbeg’s whispers

TWE Whisky Show 2012: What I couldn’t taste [Part 4]

This post continue from TWE Whisky Show [Part 3]

The Whisky Exchange Whisky Show 2012 took place at October 6th and 7th and although it has been a great experience it has been a short one. With over 450 whiskies to taste and just barely six hours ahead it was impossible to taste them all.

What I couldn’t taste

This post is just a set of photos of what I couldn’t taste. Sorry, people… I can write about this because I get sad… so great stuff that I had to skip… *sniff*

I visited Compass Box stand for saying hi to Chris and I take a few photos with the people on the show.

Continue reading TWE Whisky Show 2012: What I couldn’t taste [Part 4]

Tasting Wemyss Malts: The Hive, Spice King and Peat Chimney

One of the first things that attracted my focus over Wemyss malts were their awesome names, whiskies like the Hive, Peat Chimney or the extravagant-named single malts can’t be bad. So in one of my whisky raids on The Whisky Exchange I found several miniatures of 8 and 12 years old Wemyss blended malts.


Continue reading Tasting Wemyss Malts: The Hive, Spice King and Peat Chimney