There are moments in the life of a man where he clearly needs a Gin. Just kidding! If eventually that moment arrives your can be sure that your mind is already beyond hope… but nevermind… I decided to taste a few Gins for Science’s sake.
The chaps at Master of Malt sent a sample of their new Bathtub Gin at Navy Strength ( Myth Busters like video included at the end of the article by the way! ) so I introduced my hand on the “other drinks” box and grabbed five more gins… there is no worse thing in this world that just having a only a single dram.
I have had these miniatures around for months and never find time to properly taste ( or dispose! ) them so this is a great time to measure what this crazy Professor Ampleforth has achieved with this Gin.
Continue reading Gin-tastic tasting! Bathtub Gin and the others